Department of Telecom has initiated one step towards digitalization of its administrative process in Human Resource Department by making its various HR activities and vigilance related activities through online portal.
The motive of making its HR activites online is to reduce human efforts, streamline of process, easy access of data and reports and to reduce the time consumption and ultimatly increase the efficeincy.
'SANCHARVHR'( vigilance & Human Resource portal) a Web based Portal, for Issuing of vigilance clearance, vigliance and departmental complaint management and managment of various HR activities like promotion, training, transfers, deputations etc. This is one of various Digital initiatives being taken by Department of Telecommunications. This will not only ensure transparency but also make the process more efficient. This will pave the way for a paperless,secure and hasslefree platform for administration.
The portal mainly consist of following modules:
The user friendly 'SancharVHR' portal also has links for accessing the existing online activities of Deparmtent of Telecomunication like SaralSanchar (Simplified Application For Registration and Licenses),WPC(Wireless Planning and Coordination ) wing portal, mandatory Testing Portal of Telecommunication Engineering Centre(TEC).